Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Ceilidh Announcement!

On the 7th of February I will be having a ceilidh to raise some more money! 
It is at the Devonvale Hall in Tillicoutry, starting at 7 until 11.30. There will be a bar there and also a light buffet (like sausage rolls and sandwiches). Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for under 18s. 
There will be a raffle and other ways to part with your money on the night!
If you are interested please either phone the house! Or you can email me at
I would really love it if you could come.

We all want cake.

On Friday, I had another bake sale at school. It was a christmas theme one and my mum and Morna had made loads of cakes and biscuits. I sold at break and lunch with my friends helping out a lot so that was really nice. 

Overall I made £131! Which was absolutley amazing, I was so pleased with that. 

So thank you to all my friends for helping, Kirsty and Karen for making the magic cake, everybody for buying everything (I didn't take anything home), the teachers for letting me have the bake sale and a really big thank you to my mum and sister for staying up to the wee hours of the morning baking for it. 

Sunday, 8 December 2013

More Bake Sales

My mum has taken some gorgeous tiramisu and gingerbread cupcakes baked by my sister Morna into her school and managed to raise £23! So thank you to Strathdevon Primary School

I also sold a few cupcakes at my school at managed to raise £11.50!

At one of my sister's winter canoeing I events we sold a few more cupcakes and raised £19.  But also thank you very much to Fredericco who donated £10 and didn't even ask for a cupcake.

I have also been handing out Smartie tubes to various people and I have already had two back so that's raised another £16.76!

Friday, 29 November 2013

People are Lovely

I've managed to raise another £50 because people are being really nice about everything.
The couple who stay across the road from me, Ian and Helena, go and travel in New Zealand for half the year, so, before they left they gave me £20! And also promised to come to any fundraiser I have planned for when they get back. So thank you very much to them!

Also, my sister made some gorgeous tiramisu to take into my mum's work and sell.  Although there were only 15 cupcakes, we managed to raise £30! So thank you very much to everyone who bought a cake at Strathdevon Primary School.

And now my wee sister Morna is going to make cupcakes to order and sell them in boxes!!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

First Fundraisers!

On Friday the 22nd of November I held a bake sale at school. Even though the tanoy read out the day before said I was a fifth year pupil, it was a very successful bake sale.
My sister made exactly a hundred cakes for me, so thank you Morna! We were selling everything at 50p so we should have made £50. But, I made £60! Which was amazing.
Thank you to everyone who bought a cake, or a few, to the teachers for letting me, to all my friends for helping, to my sister for baking, which she has to do more of, and especially Ms Shannon who bought the last 8 cakes and paid £10!

At my orchestra concert the next day I had a hundred square. People could buy a lucky square for £1 and be in with a chance to win first prize of £20, second prize of £10, or third prize of £5. 
I managed to sell all one hundred squares so after I took off the £35 for prizes, I had made £65 pound! But some people had given me change so I had made £65.94! 
But today when I rang up the woman who had won third prize to give it to her she said I could keep the money to go towards my fundraising. Which was really lovely to hear. So thank you so much to Ena!
Also thank you to everybody who bought a sqaure, for my mum and friend Lois for helping sell them and also to Lyn for helping drag people in, telling them about me and selling the last few sqaures!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Please Donate!

I have set up a virgin money giving account and this is very easy to use.  I would very much appreciate it if you could donate as I have to raise £5,600!!

Going to India!

At quarter past 7 on October 22nd I got on the ferry to the Island of Coll for a selection week to hopefully go on a Gap Year overseas to teach for a year.  Along with 24 others we spent 4 days doing a variety of activities like building things out of straws, digging up potato beds, climbing a hill in almost gale force winds, cutting grass with a scythe, a trading game and finding out about all a gap year entails.  A week and a half later, my letter arrived, after I had ran home from school to get it.

My first option is India followed by Malaysia and Thailand.  Hopefully this means that next year I will be going to India!

Project Trust

Project Trust is one of the longest established Gap Year organizations in the UK, sending students to voluntary projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is based on the island of Coll, off the West coast of Scotland.  
Founded in 1967, Project Trust has provided almost 6000 volunteer students with various Gap Year experiences.

A year out with Educational Volunteering Charity, Project Trust lets you experience life in Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Caribbean, not as a tourist but as a valued member of a local community.